Project information too disorganized?

Now you can manage Risks, Issues, Changes and more, all from inside of your Microsoft® Project schedule.

Learn how with iNFORM for Microsoft® Project

How Accessible is Your Design?

Analyze your design for compliance with the 2010 ADA Standard as you build it in Autodesk® Revit®.

Learn how with OpenPath™ for AutoDesk® Revit®

Tired of Tracking Down Predecessors?

Surf your Microsoft® Project Schedule like the web using your Predecessor and Successor Links.

Learn how with PathTracer™ for Microsoft® Project

Who We Are

Perfecting Software is a startup software company that creates commercial Project Management (PM) and Building Information Management (BIM) software. We don’t make enterprise software tools, but instead make software that increases the productivity of the enterprise tools that you already own by providing missing functionality and making your tools more usable, intuitive and valuable. Join our customers that are already realizing the benefits of our innovative enhancements for Microsoft® Project and Autodesk® Revit®.  We know that once you try them, you won’t want to use your enterprise software without them again.

Our Customers

Our Products

Path Tracer Carousel Logo

PathTracer allows you to surf your Microsoft® Project schedule like a webpage, by simply selecting a Task or Assignment, and clicking on a button to be taken to a linked Predecessor or Successor Task or Assignment.

iNFORM is a comprehensive Project Management solution that is fully integrated with your Microsoft® Project Schedule. Now you can also manage, integrate, and control your project Risks, Requirements, Issues, and more from within Microsoft Project, all without having to access the cloud.

Open Path Carousel Logo

OpenPath allows you to quickly and easily analyze your BIM model in AutoDesk® Revit for compliance with the US 2010 ADA Standards.

Coming in Q4 of 2019

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