Manage Project Risks Inside of Microsoft® Project

iNFORM allows you to identify, analyze, manage, and plan and trigger risk responses for your project risks, all from inside of your Microsoft® Project schedule. Now you no longer need to leave your schedule to access risk information, manage mitigation and contingency plans, or see if a risk has been triggered based on schedule, resource, and cost events.

Identify, Analyze and Monitor Your Risks

Identify and Analyze your project risks using standard risk metrics for each risk such as Impact, Probability, Urgency, Risk Score, Cost, Estimated Monetary Value, Risk Data Quality and more! You can then monitor and control each risk using the risk register, or get an overall view of your project risks by using graphs, charts, lists and metrics in the Project Dashboard.

Control Risks with Triggers and Contingency Plans

iNFORM lets you define Triggers for each of your risks using schedule, cost, scope, resource, and external triggers, and tie each trigger to a Contingency Plan defined in Microsoft® Project.

Manage Mitigation Plans for Each Risk

Build and manage your Risk Mitigation Plans in Microsoft Project, and track them on a risk-by-risk basis in the integrated Risk Register.

Manage Multiple Contingency Plans for each Risk

Build and manage multiple Contingency Plans for each risk, and apply them to your Microsoft® Project schedule automatically based on unique Trigger criteria.

Apply for Your Spot in Our Beta Test

Get early access and help us to make iNFORM for Microsoft® Project even better! We are looking for a few Project Managers and Schedulers to take part in our Beta Test program, and help us by test-driving early releases.

Complete the Form to Apply or Get More Informtion

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